
♥ 0 2 . 0 5 . 9 6 i noe i deserve presents ♥ I'm Wan Ning ;)! 156cm :( & 46kg :D. Currently studyin at EVG SEC. Ohhh yeah, I'm a taurus, dun mess with me :P. HAHAHAH ^v^!!


Red Pink Grey White Black ♥ Hui Min ♥ Cleo ♥ Ziying ♥ Vanessa

Monday, May 10, 2010

I ♥ S.A very very much.

Hi everyone. It seems to me tat everyting is fallin apart. I cnt live with you ppl ♥ I Love Cliquettes. Pls dun fall apart.

So hi agn. i didnt manage to finish hist pp 2day. ahh ... forget it.

S.A Time!

Let's talk bout more happe tings ba. I really really heart S.A. I tink i heart e manga more cuz anime finished like years ago? I stll heart e anime though :). Ouran High Sch Host Club rocks too. Joey (from tuition class) lent me vol 7 & 13. read it, fell in love with it. hehheh :D. I bought vol 7. 8. 9. 10. of S.A! gonna buy more soon :D!!! so i took some pics of it. I juz love Kei & Hikari bein together. But who's tis Finn... how cn he be engaged to Hikari? No way man. Hikari MUST marry Kei. teeheehee. i noe you guys dunno wad me talkin. sorry. juz bear with me ;).

Kei carryin Hikari bridal-style :D!!!

OMg look at Hikari, she looks so elegant rite? cuz she actin as rich ppl to help someone (i forgot her name). Kei loves Hikari, Hikari loves him. but ... why izit so difficult for them to be together?!