
♥ 0 2 . 0 5 . 9 6 i noe i deserve presents ♥ I'm Wan Ning ;)! 156cm :( & 46kg :D. Currently studyin at EVG SEC. Ohhh yeah, I'm a taurus, dun mess with me :P. HAHAHAH ^v^!!


Red Pink Grey White Black ♥ Hui Min ♥ Cleo ♥ Ziying ♥ Vanessa

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

hello hello hello boo!

  • HI!
  • i cn finally update my blogg!
  • whoots!
  • lolzs
  • so 2day had sch
  • lit was 1st- nt so bad. but i couldnt come up with a metaphor. damn pissed. ideas? anyone?
  • PE nxt- 2.4km route changed agn?! wth. nahh mind. i got 1 wk PE excuse. but e 2.4km test is nxt thurs so yeah ...
  • math followed- learnt dot diagrams ...
  • recess --
  • assem- i like e drama! haha SINGLISH ROCKKS! lolzs :D!
  • geog- cher didnt come. Mr Zhuang came
  • MT- stayed in 2ETP slack. i wan huang lao shi to teach I hate Ms LJ. but in e end went to 2INT for damn MT.
  • EL 2 periods- 20 min fun, 1 hr test.
  • aft sch- was supposed to stay in class do my retest & corrections. i wan to hv e retest 2moro ... corrections ... ... ... let's nt talk bout it.
  • went downstairs with QK & Jie. waited for ama & siti
  • QK & siti went hom
  • ama ate in sch. me & Jie go CWP eat
  • on e way, our timin is surprisin perfect. lucky for jie, her darling & his fren were behind us.
  • we took e same bus, with jie & her darling 2 humans away.
  • jie went to see her beloved mos burger bein replaced by watsons. while jie's darling & his fren keep lookin in our direction.
  • skipskip. i juz got sort of humiliated cuz of Jie.
  • nahh mind bout tat. i get to payback by suan-in' her & makin her get close to her darling.
  • it was fun! heh heh, i so bad rite :P! without me, we wont end up sittin on e same table loh. must thx me instead :P! haha.
  • went hom then nth le ba.
  • BYEBYE :D!
  • (jie you see tis no nid get angry ah XP! they wont read my blogg one la, for sure. & i told you ur darling's fren noes there's sth goin on between you & ur darling alrdy mah. since he kept lookin at you. you noe wad i mean :).)