
♥ 0 2 . 0 5 . 9 6 i noe i deserve presents ♥ I'm Wan Ning ;)! 156cm :( & 46kg :D. Currently studyin at EVG SEC. Ohhh yeah, I'm a taurus, dun mess with me :P. HAHAHAH ^v^!!


Red Pink Grey White Black ♥ Hui Min ♥ Cleo ♥ Ziying ♥ Vanessa

Sunday, November 07, 2010

UPDATEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • lolzs.
  • i promised vids.
  • so here there r!
  • 4 of them.
  • okay, let's get tis post started.
  • On FB I posted
  • :'( flu, 2 days ago. BAD flu, last nite. Vehh suay, last nite. Minor stomach pain, 2day. Cough, 2day. Sore Throat, SOON. I vehh suay D:
  • last nite, parents bring us out.
  • papa drive us to ppl's park shoppin centre (izit e correct name? nt sure)
  • cuz wan book holiday go gentin.
  • OH YAY ~!
  • goin cameron highlands & gentin nxt mth :D!
  • gonna be COLDDDD :)!
  • my nose was torturin me e whole time actually.
  • Go hom, sth happen. basically cnt really sleep well e whole nite D:
  • woke up tis mornin. I vehh no enthu & TIRED.
  • my stomach hurts a few times. MINOR ting. nth to worry :). gd ting. phew.
  • started coughin. mom says its a matter of time i hv sore throat.
  • SUAY rite :( ????!!!!
  • fam goin out for breakfast.
  • I super tired & enthu-less so i didnt follow.
  • steamed buns for breakfast.
  • watched tv.
  • did tuition hw.
  • played com.
  • was forced to go out for dinner at nite.
  • cuz nth to eat at hom
  • die also nid follow D:
  • at 1st vehh regret cuz
  • bro pissed me off here & there.
  • then it became alrite le :).
  • parents ate curyy fishhead. i had rice, tofu, egg & mushroom.
  • No enthu, no appetite.
  • cuz it was rainin HEAVILY,
  • we (as in, my whole fam. yesh, includin my parents, dun laugh.) played e arcade there.
  • enjoyable ya ;)!
  • headed hom as e rain starts to stop.
  • my nose is nt as miserable as b4.
  • abit more enthu aft dinner- GD TING (Y)!
  • i wan to finish tis post &
  • close my restaurant at RC &
  • eat flu medicine- which cn cuz drowsiness- & sleep soundly
  • Soooooooooooooooooooooo ........................................