
♥ 0 2 . 0 5 . 9 6 i noe i deserve presents ♥ I'm Wan Ning ;)! 156cm :( & 46kg :D. Currently studyin at EVG SEC. Ohhh yeah, I'm a taurus, dun mess with me :P. HAHAHAH ^v^!!


Red Pink Grey White Black ♥ Hui Min ♥ Cleo ♥ Ziying ♥ Vanessa

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Hello. 2day was funnnnnnnnnn! Went out with Huimin & Ziying :D. Ziying as usual vehh epic de. She cnt stop makin ppl laugh. & she herself cnt stop laughin. vehh funny ^v^ 1st we went to west mall. walk here & there. couldnt decide wad to eat. EPIC much. then went to another place. at 1st also cnt decide. they asked me to decide. went jucti8n. when we got there. couldnt decide wad to eat '''>< we vehh wuliao hor o-O? HAHAHAH!! in e end, ate mac :D! twister fries FTW ~! went to dessert story & sat there & talked until 5pm. cool huh ;)? went back to CWP yoshinoya. Ziying had to settle some tings there. Her boss asked her to come at 6pm, while he came at 7pm '''>< we waited so long. I treat ziying chawamushi x) I ordered chicken terriyaki rice bowl for dinner. E CHICKEN IS SO AWESOME ITS SO NICEEEEEEE E SAUCE SO NICEEEEE E GRAPE SODA SO NICEEEEE (Y)!!!!! I'm addicted to yoshinoya le ^v^ ~~~! HAHAH, went hom some time aft tat & tat's e end of my epic day :D! A day out with e XZBs is ALWAYYS EPIC ~! Hopefully mon i cn go out :D. Okay, gdnite. BYE ~

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I dun like e RAIN!

Annyeong! 2day was sunny at 1st, then it rained. Haish. I dun like e rain. went out to cwp with my whole fam at ard 12.30pm? Ate OMU RICE FOR LUNCH ~! Then me & my mom headed for ntuc, supposinly. but we stopped by TS for quite a while. Met Vanessa at ntuc & helped her with e class BBQ tingy. chked prices here & there. called weicong a couple of times & discussed. went to 888 SKP too. Had a long day. Finished my SS SEQ 1st ques. damn happe ^v^ HAHAH :P. i on-ed com abit late 2day. On-ed at 11.30opm. My phone died. Chargin it now ;). I'm waitin for videos to load. Haish why so slow :( Hmmm ... I'm really wonderin if anybody reads. There's a tagbox below (scroll down & you'll see it) but its empty. HAHAH. Inserted it like only a few days ago :X. But still, nobody tags. I feel like i'm typin for myself '''>< Okay, byebye!

Friday, December 09, 2011

fRiDaY :D!!

Ohhh hey!! Its friday :D. 2day was so much funn-er than yesdeday HAHAH. As usual, got woke up my mom. she said she wanted to go 888 & ask me follow if i dun wanna eat bread for breakfast. i hate bread :P. so i woke up, brush up & got changed. I went out with my mom, e two of us ALONE!! No irritatin brother yayayay ~! it was so funn & peaceful without my brother :D. It was so awesome!! hahahah :P. ate kfc breakfast >>> HEAVEN <3 American twister & honey biscuit ^v^!! aft breakfast, we go NTUC to buy some stuff for e BBQ fam chalet. then went hom. My aunt came to my hse to give us sth for e BBQ then she went back hom. ard 20 min or so ... we were out agn >>> to CWP. BUT tis time, with my brother '''>< me & him fought alot while walkin. he cnt stop talkin. so noisy. & he's crazzie. A primary 3 student only. & he dreams of eatin mac with his fren aft sch & asked my mom dun go fetch him. crazzie rite? he tinks too much. AHH. wadever i say he'll talk back. nt only to me but also my mom. he's outta control. ihatehim. PUI. so e trip to CWP wasnt much funn with my bro ard :| but my mom vehh funny hahahah. we went cold storage mah. then there's a sales promoter for lindt chocolate & got free chocolate. e three of us each ate 1. my mom like e dark one. i didnt try it. she insisted tat i should try it. but i dun wan mah. so she keep askin me if i wan. It goes like tis:
MOM: girl, you wan or nt?
ME: No.
MOM: girl, you wan eat tis?
ME: i alrdy say i dun wan.
MOM: ehhh, you wan?
ME: tsk!! NOO.
& it goes on for idk how many times. its irritatin but funn. HAHAH. tat chocolate is still inside my fridge btw ;). aft we went hom, i did my hw. & i did notes on redox. It took me 2h to finish it. IT WAS HELL :( but i'm proud of myself!! I finished notes on redox yayayayayay :D!! HAHAH. when i wan bathe, my bro snatched e toilet from me. ABCDEFG. aft i bathe, i ate my dinner. helped my mom do sth then i on com alrdy. HAHAHAH. 2day was so much better. & i noe 2moro'll be busy ~~~ cuz of e BBQ on sun. gotta go!! BYEEEE :D!