
♥ 0 2 . 0 5 . 9 6 i noe i deserve presents ♥ I'm Wan Ning ;)! 156cm :( & 46kg :D. Currently studyin at EVG SEC. Ohhh yeah, I'm a taurus, dun mess with me :P. HAHAHAH ^v^!!


Red Pink Grey White Black ♥ Hui Min ♥ Cleo ♥ Ziying ♥ Vanessa

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hi. i really dunno wad to post. i yesdeday study hom ec usin com. i create microsoft word & print notes. i only do from 1 to 6. its late & i nv memorise at all. all i did was TYPE TYPE TYPE.

=-= hom ec pp was okay loh. there r some ques tat idk how to do loh. aft pp went straight hom (mom's order). 2moro phy pp & i hv no confidence even if i study.i'm lookin forward to Saturday to chk for S.A manga vol 11. i tink i'll be runnin out of S.A pics to go with my post so maybe i'll reuse some. argh ... dunno la. seems like e only entertainment in tis hse is S.A manga, com,phone & radio. but i only listen to 987FM muttons to midnite 8pm to ard 10pm then sleep. lastest 10pm la. but muttons on air until midnite. haiya ... ITS TOO EARLY TO BE HOM LA DX ! 9am pp finish noe! 9.15am reached hom :( okay i go youtube-in' then wait for ard 11.45am to 12 like tat go cook lunch eat. bringin bro to sch at 1 plus plus. maybe tings wil be more fun-ner aft tat. i wonder ... okay byebye :D.

EDITED @ 3.44PM.

its WAS fun-ner :D! bring bro to sch with mom. reached there early then go buy bubble tea. i didnt cook lunch so aft we bring bro go sch then had lunch at 883. i ate carrot cake, agn! but its white instead of black. mom ate char kway teow. then we two talked bout alot of tings. I LOVE it when me & mom's alone. bro's alwayys e noisy one :(. then we took bus hom. then when i got off e bus with mom, guess who i saw: SARAH! she looks so chio now! so pretty. i couldnt recognise her. its mom tat saw her. she's in sembawang sec. missed her. she was in Qihua until ard P2 then transfer to EVG pri. HAHA! i'm in EVG sec. LOLZS :D! so then exchanged phone nums. hope to see her soon~ ! okay byebye.