
♥ 0 2 . 0 5 . 9 6 i noe i deserve presents ♥ I'm Wan Ning ;)! 156cm :( & 46kg :D. Currently studyin at EVG SEC. Ohhh yeah, I'm a taurus, dun mess with me :P. HAHAHAH ^v^!!


Red Pink Grey White Black ♥ Hui Min ♥ Cleo ♥ Ziying ♥ Vanessa

Friday, January 14, 2011

2nd wk of sch. SUMMIN UP :D:D.

Durin e math, i was MELTIN' <3 i didnt mean e weather :P.
Phy, hell. cuz i didnt enjoyed it LOLZS.
Chem}My balancin chemical equations test get 9/10 -PROUD-
HEHHEH. Nahh ... I'm juz so happe ^o^
CCD} FUNN. hvin BBQ as class bondin activity :D!
Really look forward to it ;).
Aft sch} had co from 1 - 2.30.
then meet hui min with zi ying & cleo.
aft lunch at cwp kfc,
went to my hse :D.
I love fri <3:d!

SS} nt so awesome \:
Hist} cher nahh come. SIAN.
PE} we did circuit in front of lower sec. Haish so ps :X.
A math} Ummm ... nth much. LOTSA HW.
MT} so sian uh D:
CO} was hell. I chu chou 3 times while playin Butterfly Dream \:

E math} I super hate BoX. I mean, everyone dislikes her ;D.
phy} scored 27/28 for test :D:D! HUALALA ~!
PE} fitness
SS} sian uh ...
PE} calculated my BMI. I acceptable weight leyy ^o^!
Chinese} nespaper disscusion
Chem} awesome.
EL} Ahh ... Hmmm ...
Lunch} Cleo & Zi Ying waited for me. I was shocked. Didnt expected them to wait for me.
But alrdy lunch-in' with mama. So, went food court with Cleo & Zi Ying & Mama x)!

D & T} super bored ;
A math} I super hate my math grp thx to BoX.
EL} compre test.
MT} Ern Hao damn funny loh!
He cnt pronounce "liu xing"
he keep sayin "liu sing"
me: xing.
him: sing.
me: XING.
him: sing.
me: XING!
~ drags on for manymany times~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~then ... ~finally ~
him: xing.
CO} gotten XZB to da bao lunch for me.
I ate inside e storeroom '''><

E math} I'm startin to hate ( cuz ( (a.word) damn lots hw.
Hist} Ms Pradeepa ROCKKS man!
cuz Italy join central powers ...
then l8er on go join allied powers.
then she said: Italy's a b!tch.
EL} dianogstic tesh uh ...
D &T} BORINBORINBORIN. I prefer practical work :D.
phy} had a test. hope i do well \:
lunch} cwp, mac. with mama x).