
♥ 0 2 . 0 5 . 9 6 i noe i deserve presents ♥ I'm Wan Ning ;)! 156cm :( & 46kg :D. Currently studyin at EVG SEC. Ohhh yeah, I'm a taurus, dun mess with me :P. HAHAHAH ^v^!!


Red Pink Grey White Black ♥ Hui Min ♥ Cleo ♥ Ziying ♥ Vanessa

Friday, January 07, 2011

End of 1st wk of sch.

Had maths 1st.
I kinda like Miss Arul, idk why. HEHHEH.
Then was phy.
Mr Hider was funny.
He keep praisin himself LOLZS.
Then was chem
had a mini test bout chem formula (!)
I score 10/10 :D!
Then was recess.
Hung out with Vanessa x)!
then was CCD.
All bout target settin.
Haish ...
Aft sch meet up with XZBs.
Cleo got CO.
Me & Hui Min & Zi Ying went CWP for lunch.
I kena sabo-ed.
like seriously.
took many photos.
one of which is vehh ...
ahem. cuz i was sabo-ed!
then they decided to go my hse.
went 883 1st then take bus go my hse.
took many pics too.
BUT ... many of which so UNGLAM.
i now vehh scared Zi Ying post everything D: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways ... I gotta go.